Mental health and aging

Aging brings about many life changes. Many of us see declines in our physical health. Children may move away to start their lives. Retirement often results in a loss of social networks that defined us in our younger years.

Isolation and physical limitations often cause us to ruminate about the past. Did we do everything we could have or should have for our children? Were we honest with our loved ones? Did we give our life partner the respect that he or she deserved? What about lost friendships? Betrayals?

Unresolved issues from our past can lead to anxiety and/or depression.

Many of us are from a generation where we don’t talk about our emotional pain. And, this way of managing our struggles can lead to more isolation and depression.

If you are struggling mentally, please speak to your family doctor about what is going on. There are many treatments available today which were not available 50 or 60 years ago.